Dave Proctor's Race Across Alberta

537 KM, 72 Hours, No Sleep, 1 G2G Protein Bar every hour.

Track Dave’s progress live here:

Please note that it may take a few moments for the information to load. Press the center icon on the map if you do not see the blue dots. Please click HERE if viewing from an iPhone

For live personal updates follow Dave on Facebook at Dave Proctor and Instagram @runproctor


To celebrate Dave's race across Alberta

Save 20% with code: RUNPROCTOR20

Meet Dave Proctor:
I live in Canada and am the father of three amazing children. When I’m not parenting I like to run really long distances. I’m the Canadian 24, 48, and 72 hour record holder and hold (or have held) numerous world, national, and course records.
My passion for running has only been made stronger because of the love for my children. My middle child, Sam has a very rare disease making everyday activities a challenge. From years of challenge and struggle with the Canadian social and medical system I co-created Outrun Rare. A national advocacy and awareness campaign created to draw attention to the growing needs that face this vulnerable rare disease community. This campaign centers around one event, the TransCanadian speed record. In 2018 injury stopped me halfway across this country, 2020 Outrun Rare was postponed due to COVID. 2021 interprovincial travel bans due to COVID spread meant delaying until 2022.
7200 kilometers in under 72 days is a bit overwhelming…but so is the love in my heart for my son.
Dave’s Fave Bar: Peanut Butter Coconut Chocolate
What he is doing:


TRANSALBERTA FKT (Fastest Known Time) attempt✨
My goal: 537k/333m under 72 hours — no sleep
My fuel: G2G protein bars [1 bar/hour] for the entirety of the run 🏃🏽‍♂️ and electrolytes.